Command Line


  $ veldfire -h

will give you all of the command line options.

  usage: veldfire [options] [files to attach]

    -f FROM          From address
    -t TO            To address, or addresses separated by one of: ,:;\t\n
                     or file containing one address per line
    -s SUBJECT       Subject of the email
    -H HEADER        Add custom header field (multiple values possible)
    -m HOST          Mail host (default localhost)
    -p PORT          Port on mail host (default 25)
    -l LOGFILE       Log File (default /var/log/veldfire.log)
    -e LOGLEVEL      Log Level (1-6) (default 3)
    -c CONFIGFILE    Config file (default /etc/veldfire/veldfire.conf)
    -n SECTION       Section in config file (default veldfire)
    -r REPORT        Email address to send a report to
    -o MAXCONNECTION Maximum number of emails in one connection (default 128)
    -y SENDTIMEOUT   Timeout for sending data
    -z RECVTIMEOUT   Timeout for reading data
    -x               No message (don't wait for a msg on stdin)
    -g               Foreground (don't fork to the background)
    -i               Log to stdout as well as to the log file
    -h               Help
    -v               Version

  Email format: J Smith <> | | <>
  Messages are read from stdin, and can be already formatted multi-part messages



Jason Armstrong <>